Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog #1

      As a high school biology teacher I use a variety of instructional strategies to teach my twenty first century students.  While labs like the one pictured above are perfectly appropriate, they do not always peak the interests of these digital natives. I have decided to embrace the technology that is available rather than feel overwhelmed by it.  I am fortunate to work in a school district that provides me with a Smart Board, document camera, laptop, projector, and Mobi in my classroom.  I also have access to a computer lab, netbook cart, and iPad cart. My students enjoy using the Internet in the classroom and I try to integrate its use as often as possible. We use Edmodo to collaborate on various projects and reflect on daily lessons. Activities that are interactive using the Smart Board or iPads are typically favorites of my students.  Using technology in the classroom keeps students engaged in their learning.  I have discovered new Web 2.0 tools to try with my classes and they enjoy learning how to use them for the first time. Students love picking up on this new technology quicker than the teacher. They can then teach me how to use it as well as help each other.